coach lio


Strengthen your team by strengthening
the people within it

Create trusting teams.

book a call

Your organization thrives when the people and their relationships thrive. 

NEXt >

-simon sinek-

-simon sinek-

why team coaching?

Emotional intelligence and Social Skills are at the top of the list of required skills at Fortune 500 companies.
Solid and trusting teams leverage strong relationships, personal happiness, wellbeing, and satisfaction of employees for business success.
If you are the kind of organization that believes that employees' wellbeing, trust, and happiness are essential to your growth, we have the right solutions and support.
Training your team in social and emotional skills increases efficiency, sustainable growth, and happiness in the workplace.
Emotional intelligence means less burnout and internal conflict, and more adaptability, resilience, and growth in the organization. 

Your organization thrives when the people and their relationships thrive. 

NEXt >


NEXt >

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse convallis tellus ut venenatis interdum. Integer ut elit sollicitudin, aliquam orci ac, malesuada nisi. Suspendisse fringilla dui enim, quis fringilla diam varius Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.

Here’s why it’s really really really really great.


NEXt >

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse convallis tellus ut venenatis interdum. Integer ut elit sollicitudin, aliquam orci ac, malesuada nisi. Suspendisse fringilla dui enim, quis fringilla diam varius Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.

Here’s why it’s really really really really great.


A team is not a group of people that work together.
A team is a group of people that trust each other.
-Simon Sinek-

A team is not a group of people that work together.
A team is a group of people that trust each other.
-Simon Sinek-

what we do

            If your organization struggles with:

  • Unrealized potential, productivity, and performance
  • Burned out or stressed employees
  • An unwillingness or inability to consider alternative ideas or approaches
  • Lack of creativity or critical thinking
  • Difficulty making decisions due to lack of alignment
  • Overwhelmed team leader(s)
  • A lack of participation or effort
  • Self-preservative behaviors such as gossip, defensiveness, stonewalling
  • A lack of trust among team members and leadership

           We will help your teams:

  • Develop emotional intelligence to increase cooperation
  • Establish an environment of respect and empathy
  • Inspire teams to practice creative problem solving
  • Establish a mindset of pulling together towards a common purpose
  • Communicate with empathy
  • Build trusting and meaningful relationships
  • Create a positive work environment to minimize gossip and resentment.
  • Nurture compassionate giving
  • Spark curiosity 

what we do

      If your organization struggles with:

  • Unrealized potential, productivity, and performance
  • Burned out or stressed employees; 
  • An unwillingness or inability to consider alternative ideas or approaches
  • Lack of creativity or critical thinking;
  • Difficulty making decisions due to lack of alignment
  • Overwhelmed team leader(s)
  • A lack of participation or effort
  • Self-preservative behaviors such as gossip, defensiveness, stonewalling
  • A lack of trust among team members and leadership

      We will help your teams:

  • Develop emotional intelligence to increase cooperation
  • Establish an environment of respect and empathy
  • Inspire teams to practice creative problem solving
  • Establish a mindset of pulling together towards a common purpose
  • Communicate with empathy
  • Build trusting and meaningful relationships
  • Create a positive work environment to minimize gossip and resentment.
  • Nurture compassionate giving
  • Spark curiosity 


STEP 1 Book a call or a meeting where we establish your company's pain points.

STEP 2 We design a personalized growth plan including workshops, 1;1 and group coaching.

STEP 3 You witness your team strengthen, communication improving and your employees becoming happier and more committed.


STEP 1 Book a call or a meeting where we establish your company's pain points.

STEP 2 We design a personalized growth plan including workshops, 1;1 and group coaching.

STEP 3 You witness your team strengthen, communication improving and your employees becoming happier and more committed.

Emotional intelligence and Social Skills are at the top of the list of required skills at Fortune 500 companies.
Solid and trusting teams leverage strong relationships, personal happiness, wellbeing, and satisfaction of employees for business success.
If you are the kind of organization that believes that employees' wellbeing, trust, and happiness are essential to your growth, we have the right solutions and support.
Training your team in social and emotional skills increases efficiency, sustainable growth, and happiness in the workplace. 




1.Communication will improve within the team.
2.Collaboration will be enhanced among team members.
3.Accountability will be increased and a culture of ownership and pride will be promoted in the team's accomplishments.
4.Performance will be improved through targeted coaching.
5.Skills and competencies will be developed through coaching.
6.Self-awareness and confidence will be increased through personalized coaching.

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much ”
- Helen Keller -

The Trusting Teams coaching is a journey comprised of 3 workshops 
including Personal Transformation, Communication and Purpose.

A Side Note

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse convallis tellus ut venenatis interdum. Integer ut elit sollicitudin, aliquam orci ac, malesuada nisi. Suspendisse fringilla dui enim, quis fringilla diam varius Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.

Here’s why it’s really really really really great.


Embrace a stress-free life

The Stress Detox Protocol is a simple process consisting of 3 sessions, 2 hours each.
The sessions and the schedule are tailor-made for each particular case.

let's start